Monday, August 3, 2009

It's been far too long since our last post...

 has certainly been way too long since I've updated on the happening of Miss Peyton! My little peanut just turned 15 months a few days ago and is acting every bit of how a 15 month old does!!!! Peyton has had a very busy summer....and she keeps her mom and dad busy every second of the day! There is never a dull moment in the Durlam house that's for sure. Since it's been so long since I've updated, I will fill you in on a few things that Peyton has been up to in the month of July.
Peyton spent a very uneventful 4th of July back in Jefferson. The weather wasn't very nice so we didn't get to spend as much time outdoors as we would have liked. We did make one special stop while we were back in Jefferson, we went and visited Grandma Penny's grave. It was one year since she passed on July 3rd. Boy, we sure do miss her, but she lives on in Peyton's smile and laughter.

Peyton also got to go to her first wedding reception on the 11th of July. She was a little shy with showing off her dance moves, but enjoyed gathering all of the balloons and piling them on grandpa's lap. She had such a good time and conked out immediately on the ride home.

We also managed to make our yearly trip to Adventurland. Heath, Brock, Peyton, and I set out for fun on one of the nicest weekends in July. Although, Peyton couldn' ride very many of the rides she still had a great time people watching and mommy even managed to win her a few animals in ski ball. It took me a while, but I was finally able to bring in the "small" prize.

While Peyton has been up to plenty of fun, sadly she has been sick for the past 5 days. I picked the little stinker up from daycare last Wednesday and could immediately tell she wasn't herself. I got her home that evening and sure enough she was running a fever. After 3 1/2 days of the fever, it finally broke and I thought that was the end up of. Little did I know that she would wake up the next morning with her entire body covered in a rash. Peyton was at the doctor today and she confirmed that Peyton has roseola. She's no longer in the contagious stage so she will be back at daycare tomorrow. She was able to spent a couple of quality days with her daddy and he took a few pics to share with everyone.....Enjoy.

1 comment:

Laura B said...

She is more beautiful every day ......... I really need to meet her in person one weekend when you are here!