Sunday, December 14, 2008

Good Things Come In Small Packages

I don't know who is more of a or Peyton? Although it is rather amusing with that giraffe on her head. Aunt Wanda would be thrilled to know her gift is going to good use :-)
Thanksgiving and my baby!

I don't have a picture of it, but Peyton's favorite toy is a plastic water bottle. I could put every toy possible in front of her and she would rather play with the water bottle.


Oh, the joys of winter.....the rosy red cheeks are a daily occurence for Peyton. Just when I get them looking better it never fails they go right back to looking like this.

Well it's definitely been awhile since our last post. Peyton has been a very busy girl. She celebrated her very first Thanksgiving and had a wonderful time at Grandpa Louk's and Grandpa and Grandma Durlam's. Since our last post Peyton has learned to wave, learned to clap, and learned to sit on her own. She also crawls backwards, which my dad says must be a Durlam trait :-).

With Christmas quickly approaching Peyton, Grandpa Dennis, Heath, and me ventured out shopping. Wow, was that an experience. For some reason it seems 100 times more packed in the store when you are trying to tote a baby around in a stroller during Christmas shopping. I think next year we'll try to do our shopping on a weekday :-). All in all, Peyton was a perfect little angel. I don't think she fussed one time and many people came to say hello to her along the way. At one point, Peyton kicked her legs over the side of the stroller and it basically looked like she was just relaxing in a recliner.

For Christmas this year, we have the best gift possible (Peyton), which is the meaning behind "Good things Come in Small Packages." If Santa could bring us anything extra this year it would be a extra good news from the doctors this Wednesday. We are back to Iowa City for Peyton's MRI and appointment with Dr. Greenlee (neurosurgeon). It will be an early start for us as we have to be in Iowa City by 7:30 that morning. Peyton will be sedated for the MRI. They are using a different drug than they previously did when she was a patient. I'm hoping that it works a little better because during the last MRI, she definitely wasn't sleeping like they said she would be. We had to restart multiple times.
We would like to wish all you you a very happy holiday season! We are looking forward to a fresh start in 2009 as we know many others are too.!

Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Gold stars for Peyton!

Little Peyton has been having nothing but good times at daycare. She loves all of the activity going on and has definitely won over the hearts of those who take care of her. In the past week and a half she has received more gold stars then I can count! I joked with Heath last night because Peyton has been so playful these past few seems like she's hyped up on Mountain Dew or something. It makes for an eventful evening and many laughs for mommy and daddy :-).

Peyton had her 6 month pictures taken this past Saturday. I will post them as soon as we get the prints. I can't believe she's half a year old already! On Sunday, Peyton headed home to see Grandpa Louk....he just got back from his fishing trip. Peyton got a new pair of moccasins and a cute shirt from grandpa. She spent much of the afternoon playing frogger on grandpa's lap and pulling on his beard.

For Halloween this year, Peyton is a bumble bee. She will be in the Halloween parade at daycare on Friday and is headed back to Jefferson on Friday night to show off her costume to her grandparents. I'll be sure to take plenty of pics. Enjoy the new ones below!

Hmmm...let me think about it fingers taste pretty good!!

Water play....yep that's me in the bumbo.

Here...let me try and splash!

Thursday, October 9, 2008

Good reports from the doctors!

Peyton has been a very busy little girl. She started her new daycare last week and has been to Iowa City twice for follow up appointments. Both the neurosurgeon and opthamologist had nothing but good things to say about Peyton!! Yeah!! Peyton is loving her new daycare. She has gotten very good reports at the end of the day. While I was VERY nervous at first, I'm becoming more at ease as each day passes.

Tuesday was orange and black day at daycare so Peyton was able to wear her Halloween gear from Aunt Wanda. New pics of Peyton in her Halloween outfit. You can't read the shirt in the picture but it says "Mommy is under my spell." So true!!

Saturday, September 27, 2008

I'm 5 months old!!!

My little girl is growing up so fast!! I can't believe she's 5 months old. She's acquired many new skills since she's been home from Iowa City. She now does a head nod and a fake cough and thinks it's very funny. she's bben working on trying to crawl, but hasn't quite mastered how to move the gront end. She just gets up on her knees and moves her legs back and forth but doesn't get too far. Peytonlives the outdoors so she goes outside with her daddy any chance that she can get. Heath shaved his beard this weekend so I was a little nervous that Peyton might not recognize his new look, but she immediately smiled when she saw him. Peyton and mommy are headed to a baby shower tomorrow for mommy's good friend Melinda. Peyton can't wait to see her buddy Jenna!
Trying out my Bumbo!
Posing for my 5 month pics
Smile big Peanut! first real bath since coming home from Iowa City.

Sunday, September 21, 2008

Happy Birthday to my daddy!

My papa turned 27 years old this weekend!! Happy Birthday to daddy! Grandpa and Grandpa Durlam helped us celebrate by taking us all out to eat at Ruby Tuesdays. Although it was dad's birthday, I managed to steal the show. I had to give out so many smiles to the swarms of people that stopped by to tell me how adorable I was. I was good almost the entire time, but then I realized that it looked more fun to sit where mom and dad were so I gave out a few whines and mom swooped me into her arms to sit with her.

I've been doing well since my surgery in Iowa City. I've been spending lots of quality time with my parents and grandparents since I've been home. I've been getting plenty spoiled by everyone this past week and a half....I got a ton of new toys from Grandma and a new highchair and saucer for Grandpa Louk's house.

This week I got to do some playing with my cousins Brayden and Isaac. I mainly watch because I'm not quite as mobile as them yet!

Peyton posing for the camera.
Yep....I still gotta have my binky!
Rolling over to play with my new book.
Hanging out at Grandpa's house.
Me and my daddy!!

Friday, August 22, 2008

If there was ever a time that I needed thoughts and prayers

it is now. Please say a prayer for my little girl Peyton that she endures a speedy recovery. There are not enough words to describe a mother's love for a child. My heart hurts and I'm praying every day that I see that smile appear back on your adorable little face.

Thursday, August 14, 2008

Mom....I miss you

Today is a hard day for me...I find myself feeling more and more lost as time goes on. Holding my daughter helps me get through the bad days. I saw my grandma Louk this past weekend and I was so touched because as I was playing with Peyton on the floor in front of her. Peyton was smiling and laughing and my grandma looked at me and said that she smiles just like Penny. What a wonderful thing for Peyton to have was always known for her smile and laugh and I'm touched that people can see that through Peyton.

Several people have asked if I would share a copy of the tribute that I gave to my mother at her funeral. I'm more than happy to share those same words with you all again..

Penny Sue Louk, she was a wife, a mother, a grandmother, and a friend. To me, she was my mother and I called her "Pooh." I have nothing but the findest memories of the amazing woman we are here to pay our respects to today. She is the bravest person I will ever know in my lifetime. In the back of my mind I've always known that this day would come. I could never have prepared myself for it to be so soon. My mom's life was cut was to short and she did no deserve the hand that she was dealt. I cannot be bitter because my mom never was. She never asked "why me" and she never felt soff for herself. What an amazing gift to live your life with such acceptance for those things that you cannot change.

Gorwing up I felt sad because my mom couldn't always be there with me during special times. But, I soon came to realize that even though she could not be there physically, she was there in the ways that counted the most. I feel that I was blessed growing up the way that I is something that you cannot appreciate unelss you've lived it yourself. My mom taught me how to be independent, how to appreciate the small things in life, and most of all the true meaning of love. I had the perfect example of what love is staring me in the face my entrire lifetime. I have a father who is an amazing man and was her caretaker for life. They taught me the true meaning of the words "in sickness and in health" and they taught me that you do not walk away when times get fight harder to get through them.

My mom would not want me to bring up sad times or shed so many tears. She would feel bad because I was hurting inseide and do everything in her power to make me feel better. Only this time she is not here to do so. There are no words to describe how much I will miss her and there are no words to describe the emptiness inside. I would give anything if she was sitting her before me asking me to pull her up in her wheelchair, scratch her nose, get the hair out of her mouth, or get her something to drink. But it is time for my dad, brother, and me to let go. Something that we have treasured for so long is no longer there and this proves to be the biggest challenge that lies ahead of us. But we were not made to be weak we were made to be strong and my mom's spirit will be there to guide us every step of the way.

When I think of my mom, I think of her smile and I think of her laugh. There is nothing like it. Her eyes would light up and sparkle anytime we entered the room. And just when we thought we wouldn't see that sparkle again, she opened them for us one last time in the hospital. One last time for us to feel the joy of her smile and the sparkle in her eye.

I had many opportunities to reflect on all the happy memories with my brother and father as we sat at my mom's bedside. I'll never forget the look in my brother's eyes as he shared one of his last memories of her with me. A few weeks before my mom passed she had not been feeling well and had a really bad day. She was lying in bed at home so Chad went to see her with a bowl of homemade ice cream. He walked into her bedroom, woke her up, and asked her if she wanted some ice cream. Her eyes got as big of round as you can imagine and she shook her yead yes. Chad got her out of bed and took her to the kitchen to feed her ice cream and during this time she was able to speak with him better than she has in several years. Chad, please always remember how much she loved you. You will always be her little boy.

Dad, you have always been my rock and you were mom's too. There was no one that could take care of her quite like you. Every year when I came home to stay with her during your fishing trips, not even two hours would pass since you had left and she would look at me and say "when is dad coming home." I would look at her and smile and joke with her because I knew that no one compared to you when it came to taking care of her every need.

Mom, we will always remember you and your love for the small things in life. When you were healthy you loved to dance, you loved to cook, and you loved to go shopping. You loved dressing me up in my dance clothes and you loved Christmas. I will never forget your love for the holidays and will always share that same spirit with my daughter. As you became sick you had to adapt the the changes and with that you were not able to do the things that you loved so much, but we will always remember your love for CNN, Dateline NBC, 60 minutes or any other news program we could on the the tv for you. We will always remember how you despised President Bush and I hope you are finally getting your wish....I can see you now holding your Bush picket sign in heaven.

I am truly thankful that I had the opportunity to spend the entire last week of my mom's life with her. I was able to tell her goodbye, tell her how much I love her, and tell her that it was okay to say goodbye. Her spirit will live on in me forever and my daughter Peyton will always know what an amazing woman her grandmother was. On behalf of dad, Chad, Heath, Brock, and Peyton, we love you and are at peace that you are finally free.

With words I'm able to voice how I feel. With pictures I'm able to reflect on all the memories. With family I'm able to feel how much you all love me. For those of you who did not know my mother personally, I wish you could have had the chance.....she had a special message to teach to all. Let's appreciate the things that life has given to us, let's not be bitter for those things we cannot change, let's focus on the things that mean the most and let's put the petty stuff to rest.
I encourage everyone to treasure the moments they have with the ones that they love. I encourage you all to take a step a back and look at what your life really means to you. I encourage you on the days that you think you've got it bad to put yourself in someone else's shoes....empathy is the greatest gift that can ever be taught and it was given to me by my mother.
Our little sweetheart

Tuesday, August 5, 2008

A weekend play date.....

Peyton was a busy little girl this weekend and had a play date with her friends Jenna, Mikey, and Cole. Peyton and I headed back to J-town on Saturday to meet up with my friends Paige, Karla, Tina, & Krista. Four of us have new little babies all close in age...3 months, 7 months, 10 months, and 15 months old. We started off with lunch at the pizza ranch and then it was off for play time at Paige's parents house. I unfortunately did not get to see Karla much...her 10 month old Mikey has just begun to walk recently so he keeps her plenty busy :-). Everytime I looked up she was chasing him somewhere else. It just makes me appreciate that Peyton has not hit that stage yet :-). Little Jenna is now sitting up on her own....she is so adorable. Jenna did manage to hit Peyton in the head with a rattle and Peyton bawled for about a minute. She made it seem worse than it actually was. Cole looks just like his mom Krista, such an adorable little boy. I wish he would have felt better. He's getting more teeth so wasn't quite himself, but still as cute as ever. It was great to see our friend Tina who was home visiting from Oregon. We don't get to see her very often and we miss her very much. She is such a great person!
After our play date, it was off to see Grandpa Louk. Grandpa is busy as usual, he bought the lot behind our shop and is tearing down the house that was on it. I think he just enjoys riding around in the skid loader and driving around the dump truck :-). We had a good evening with Grandpa and Brock....ate supper from the local Chinese restaurant and enjoyed a nice evening at home. No big plans for this upcoming weekend, we may go to adventureland with grandpa Louk and cousin Brock, but we'll see....

Snoozing on the floor at Grandpa Louk's
Grandpa and I watching tv....
Finally...a picture that has mommy in it.
A picture from my play date...Peyton and Jenna. I'm still waiting for pics of all the babies from Paige, Karla or Tina. Since Peyton can't quite sit on her own....I held her up for the pics so I didn't get any :-(.
Sitting in my bouncy from Aunt Becky....I grew too much and can get out of my other one.

Saturday, July 26, 2008

3 Months Old

Peyton is now 3 months old. Boy, where has the time gone. It's been awhile since our last post and we have been through a lot. My mom became very sick in late June and was taken by ambulance to the hospital on the evening of June 26th. At that point, we were told that my mom would not make it and would pass away by the time I made it to Jefferson from Ankeny. It was late at night and we packed up frantically to the hospital. When we arrived, my mom was still hanging on. Little Peyton got to lay on her grandma's stomach and we saw something truly amazing, all of my mom's vital signs improved at that moment. I know that she knew little Peyton was there with here. My mom proved the doctors wrong and she fought for another 7 days before she passed away on July 3. During this time, Peyton got some quality bonding time with her dad since mommy was at the hospital night and day. We miss my mom more than I could have ever imagined and just try to take things day by day.

Peyton also got a trip to the doctors office this past week. She was a little late for her 2 month shots with everything that happened. She was a little trooper. She screamed at first, but calmed down within a minute and was a perfect angel afterwards. No fever and no fussiness!! Also, Peyton now weighs 14lbs 15 oz and is 25 1/4 inches long. She is in the 97th percentile for both height and weight. So, while she is a little chubby for her age, she is off the charts for her height!!

Yeah!! I'm 3 months old today!!

Trying out my Baby Einstein exersaucer from Aunt Wanda. Peyton loves all of the toys to play with!
Yep, I can roll over now. I do get stuck on my belly and that makes me very mad!!
I just got done with bath time. My hair is somewhat calm at this point!
Peyton and daddy hanging out together!

Wednesday, June 25, 2008

I'm 2 months old!!

Peyton is officially two months old today. Boy has the time flown. She is now going to daycare since mommy had to go back to work this past Monday. It was a sad sad day for me, but I managed to get through it. She has become the main attraction at daycare for all the other kids since she is the "baby" of the bunch. If only I could afford to stay at home with her :-(. I've posted new pics below. Enjoy!!
This was Peyton's first father's day with her pap. We had fun making Heath the card that Peyton is holding in her hand. Peyton made daddy go on a little hunt for each of his gifts by giving him clues. All in all Heath enjoyed his first father's day and enjoyed the Guitar Hero III gift he received from Peyton.
Peyton is becoming quite the poser for the camera. She now smiles when I hold it up to her...even with her binky in her mouth!
This is her official 2 month old picture. We took quite a few in the morning before Peyton went to daycare. By the time mommy was finished she received the message that her memory card was full on her camera!
As you can see, Peyton has a lot of hair. There really isn't any taming it and when I try it ends up looking like she is wearing a hair piece or something. She just has so much of it! So we basically just let it go after bath time. She has natural curls so when she's done with bath time I try to style those.

Friday, June 6, 2008

My favorite things....

Peyton is officially six weeks old today. Boy has the time flown. Just when I thoughtI was going to have to leave my baby and go back to work I found out that I get a little bit more time at home with her. I was really dreading having to take her to the babysitter, but had begun to prepare myself. Now, I'll have to do it all over again. Even though Peyton is only six weeks old, she has definitely developed a few favorites. Peyton enjoys sitting in her bouncy seat, dancingon dad's lap (she sure does like music), taking trips in the jeep (especially to see her grandparents), taking walks with mom (especially when she gets to wear her shades), and she absolutely loves bath time (she cries when she has to get out). It seems as if she does something new every day. She has a great big smile and even has dimples (not sure where she got those??) and she is the noisiest sleeper ever. She's either making some sort of noise, snoring, or stretching (not quiet stretching, she has the full sound effects). Peyton in her shades...they are a little big, but they do the job.
Peyton in her bouncy seat. We don't go on trips without it! Also you will probably notice the roll on her thigh. I forgot to mention it above, but her most favorite thing is probably eating!
Just getting out of the tub...all fresh and clean
I'm as happy as can be!
Peyton just waiting to get dressed. She was so patient while I took a bazillion pictures!

Friday, May 30, 2008

One month old and growing like a weed!

Mom put this hat on me while I was taking a snooze.
She knows that I get upset when she tries to put it on when I'm awake.

I'm officially one month old! Dad decided I needed to try out my swing. I still have a little trouble keeping my head up and it usally ends up falling to one side of the swing.
A little time on the floor stretching out!
I've already got the pouty look mastered...even when I'm sleeping!
Trying out my Baby Bjorn....I realized it wasn't so bad after all and I kind of liked it!

Wednesday, May 14, 2008

A few firsts....

My first swimsuit from grammy Teresa
My first trip to Jefferson to see Grandpa and meet Grandma Louk for the first time. I also got to go to Grand Junction and see Grammy and Grampy Durlam, Aunt Becky and Uncle Ish and meet cousin Brayden.
My first ride in my swing I got from Aunt Becky and Grammy Teresa
My first trip to Home Depot with mom and dad to get a new lawn mower.