Friday, May 30, 2008

One month old and growing like a weed!

Mom put this hat on me while I was taking a snooze.
She knows that I get upset when she tries to put it on when I'm awake.

I'm officially one month old! Dad decided I needed to try out my swing. I still have a little trouble keeping my head up and it usally ends up falling to one side of the swing.
A little time on the floor stretching out!
I've already got the pouty look mastered...even when I'm sleeping!
Trying out my Baby Bjorn....I realized it wasn't so bad after all and I kind of liked it!

Wednesday, May 14, 2008

A few firsts....

My first swimsuit from grammy Teresa
My first trip to Jefferson to see Grandpa and meet Grandma Louk for the first time. I also got to go to Grand Junction and see Grammy and Grampy Durlam, Aunt Becky and Uncle Ish and meet cousin Brayden.
My first ride in my swing I got from Aunt Becky and Grammy Teresa
My first trip to Home Depot with mom and dad to get a new lawn mower.

Wednesday, May 7, 2008

Mommy is thrilled to be back home with her baby

Down for the count....
Mommy missed this adorable face while she was away
Thank goodness for my bouncer......