Sunday, December 14, 2008

Good Things Come In Small Packages

I don't know who is more of a or Peyton? Although it is rather amusing with that giraffe on her head. Aunt Wanda would be thrilled to know her gift is going to good use :-)
Thanksgiving and my baby!

I don't have a picture of it, but Peyton's favorite toy is a plastic water bottle. I could put every toy possible in front of her and she would rather play with the water bottle.


Oh, the joys of winter.....the rosy red cheeks are a daily occurence for Peyton. Just when I get them looking better it never fails they go right back to looking like this.

Well it's definitely been awhile since our last post. Peyton has been a very busy girl. She celebrated her very first Thanksgiving and had a wonderful time at Grandpa Louk's and Grandpa and Grandma Durlam's. Since our last post Peyton has learned to wave, learned to clap, and learned to sit on her own. She also crawls backwards, which my dad says must be a Durlam trait :-).

With Christmas quickly approaching Peyton, Grandpa Dennis, Heath, and me ventured out shopping. Wow, was that an experience. For some reason it seems 100 times more packed in the store when you are trying to tote a baby around in a stroller during Christmas shopping. I think next year we'll try to do our shopping on a weekday :-). All in all, Peyton was a perfect little angel. I don't think she fussed one time and many people came to say hello to her along the way. At one point, Peyton kicked her legs over the side of the stroller and it basically looked like she was just relaxing in a recliner.

For Christmas this year, we have the best gift possible (Peyton), which is the meaning behind "Good things Come in Small Packages." If Santa could bring us anything extra this year it would be a extra good news from the doctors this Wednesday. We are back to Iowa City for Peyton's MRI and appointment with Dr. Greenlee (neurosurgeon). It will be an early start for us as we have to be in Iowa City by 7:30 that morning. Peyton will be sedated for the MRI. They are using a different drug than they previously did when she was a patient. I'm hoping that it works a little better because during the last MRI, she definitely wasn't sleeping like they said she would be. We had to restart multiple times.
We would like to wish all you you a very happy holiday season! We are looking forward to a fresh start in 2009 as we know many others are too.!

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